Guest Book
Hi johnny!
Very nice website! hehe! intresting too me like the fact u can help ppl with probs and stuff!! well i will see u soon no doubt!! take care luve nim xx ^_^
Sure wish you'd settle on one name so I KNOW WHO YOU ARE:) HEEHEEHEE
well was asked to visit this site by jay from icq contact list, well i am here and it seems a good site with great potential.
visit my site at please sign the guest book
well was asked to visit this site by jay from icq contact list, well i am here and it seems a good site with great potential.
visit my site at please sign the guest book
well was asked to visit this site by jay from icq contact list, well i am here and it seems a good site with great potential.
visit my site at please sign the guest book
Hey , If you have msn add me .... I live life with love ! I have brown hair, brown eyes,tall,slim and loves to play soccer ,volleyball,bball,and more stuff !! love ya all Tanys Alise ;) Ps Great Great Great SITE !!!!!!!
Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoy it. I will try and make this site interesting for you. Thank you.
cool site.... if you want email me adios
This site is kinda kewl. It's a very good idea.
hey u can email me at any time becauze i check my email every hour so i will always get it!..... this website was very good tho my computer blocked the pix:(
Waz ere.
I have a problem. But your problem page is not really working. So here is where I will put it. I have this guy friend. He is really nice. But lately he had been...well depressed. He says he hates me. And never wants to speak with me again. He has been hurt in the love area before. And now is very confused. I don't know if he really hates me or if he is trying to push me away. I want to be his friend. I want him to know that I will always be there for him no matter what. But he does not believe me. I love him with all my heart. And yes I am also confused about what I feel. I have been hurt lots. I don't trust anyone. But him. For some reason I thought he was different then that. I thought he would never hurt me like he did. But I know he did not mean to. I ...well for some reason I trusted him. With my secrets. My heart. I trusted him. I think he is the only one that I have loved in so long. But. He left me. He says he hates me now. He hates love. hmm...I wonder if there is anything i can do to help him. All I want is for him to be happy. Thats all. And he is in so much pain now. If I could I would run to him and just hold him in my arms. So close. But he will not let me. He just does not understand. What do I do? Should I just leave the best friend I have ever had? Should I just say goodbye..and leave him. and should I forget the one in my heart? I am so confused. I have no idea what to do. All I want is my friend back. He was fun. He loved life. We use to talk for hours and when I had to leave and do something, then came back..he would say how much he missed me. I just miss him so much. I don't know if I can handle not having him in my life. well. Thanks for listening to my problem. And please if you have any advice. Please please write me cause I can use all the help I can get. Thanks..bye bye Lilly
This is a great site. I think it needs some work. But its a good start. Helping people like this. Is a very good thing. You must be a great person. Bye
Everybody should party! hehe..have fun..go all crazy your fears away...just jump up and down..and swing your hips all around...just party...hehe..:) Yes..I am very weird..and a little drunk..oh well. Fun..lets dance to the funky music...and go crazy..hehe party to a new beat...just have fun with your life.. learn to relax...and party! hehe fun...oh yeah baby...oh..and love your page. I think I need a date. A tall..hmm...nice guy, with a sexy butt..haha na..I just want a friend right now. A guy know someone to cry on there shoulder..and hold you so tight and never let you go...but I need that. well yes i do.. I would like more online friends. Of corse guys. I want a.hmmm..I need a b/f. I feel so alone. I told you about my problem in that area already. Don't need to hear it again. oh well I have msn and Icq if anyone wants to chat with me come and chat. I am very friendly. (I think) 14002102 is my icq number. Later all.... and party party party.... drink your sadness away..haha yeah..ok I am going to go pass out now..bye bye
Hey. My friend told me to come see this site. She said its very cool. So here I am. I don't know if she talked about me to you. But I am Tamara. She said that you said to her that if I needed any help to come to you. And if you have her trust then you must be great. (Lilly) Ok. I am going now. Love your site. She was right. You are a great guy. Tamy p.s I will come back maybe someother time. If you still want to help me. Bye Johnny
I had a dream that will never come true, I dreamt you loved me the way I love you. Moonlight mist fell over the land, I looked at you and you took my hand. We walked through the stars to the Milky Way, Side-by-side then you started to say, Stay with me forever and I'll stay with you, And loving each other's the only thing we'll do. Then I woke up and started to cry, Realizing the whole thing, was only a lie. I had a dream that will never come true, I dreamt you loved me, the way I love you.
Hey Johnny, Its Mike I got you a shorter link to your site like you asked, I'd have told you over MSN, but your not on :) <p><a href=""><font color="#000000" size="5" face="Lucida Console"></font></a></p> There you go :)
I think this site is really cool.:) later then..:P